I Love Plaid

 I live on a pretty busy road in downtown Chicago and I always wander to some quiet, private area for photos, but this time I worked up the courage to be out front of my apartment. I love the cabs, buses and the city chaos that was happening in the background. It was definitely worth the stares from young families that live in my neighborhood. I wore this outfit on Friday to celebrate Plaidurday and for a while on Saturday. Sometimes I like an outfit so much I wear it two days in a row.
Don and I spent Saturday shopping out in the suburbs and I took him to Kuma's Corner, a metal themed bar/restaurant known for their delicious burgers. He loves metal and we both love burgers. It was sweet. The wait wasn't though. It was 1.5 hours before we were seated and another 35 minutes until we received our food, but it was totally worth it.
[sunglasses c/o send the trend, jacket from zara, shoes from steve madden vintage levi's shirt from archives vintage, truck jeans c/o comfort me, belt by american apparel, necklace c/o jewelmint]