Since my mom's birthday was on the 28th, I'm heading back today to visit and take her shopping. I promise better photos soon of my outfits--just been short on time!
thoughts of you, warm my bones
Since my mom's birthday was on the 28th, I'm heading back today to visit and take her shopping. I promise better photos soon of my outfits--just been short on time!
Gone Cloggin': The Affordable Edition
Thanks to Chanel and Miu Miu, the fashion crowd has been embracing the new clog trend whole-heartedly. Well, not entirely whole-heartedly. There are definitely those who can't seem to look past the hated clogs of yesteryear. I understand, but my main hesitation when it comes to putting those backless babies on my feet has been entirely different. Sure, clogs are clogs, but I like 'em. Have you seen Alexa Chung in them? Super cute! My problem is that they're always so darn expensive. And yes, in my opinion, $100 Jeffery Campbell shoes are expensive. So what to do? As an obsessive online fashion geek, it was a simple matter to troll the web for some cheaper options. And since I made the effort, now you don't have to! You're welcome. Check it out:
alainn bella!
make your siren's call
another andrea & a radio show!
The Want List: light & fun dresses
20 miles
[top by truly madly deeply, skirt by silence+noise, belt by ecote, boots c/o modcloth, bag by bcbg]
psst...the boots will be in stock again soon and if you visit ModCloth's site, you can sign up for notification on the product page if you want to know when they're back in stock!
Reasons Why Print Will/Should Not Go Away
I love magazines, and I love books. That's pretty much a given if you so much as glance at this blog. And while I find the online ones fun and different, and while I find readers like the Kindle to be a convenient idea, the concept of print being replaced is enough to bring me to tears. Take one look around my room, and print is the overwhelming theme. The walls are completely lined with photographs torn out from the likes of Nylon, Elle, and Vogue. I have shelves and shelves of books, with magazines and stray novels scattered across the floor. Lula has its own cherished little section in my closet where the thick, glossy pages are safe from the possibility of spilled food or accidental crumpling. In short, I am obsessed with print.
"And what does a lump of coal have to do with the Internet? You see, it takes the energy in one lump of coal to move one megabyte of information across the net. So every time you download a file, each megabyte is a lump of coal."
luckless romance
What I've been up to the past year or so...
The best time to visit your old playground
is at night.
The moonlight glances
upon legs like skinned knees,
the sand clinging to them
when you kneel,
little pebbles leaving
dents in your skin
as if the memory of
schoolyard laughter were
trying to burrow underneath.
The chains on the swings rasp
eerie lullabies in the breeze, and
you can almost see the
little girl you once were
perched there,
kicking her legs,
The trees are alive and
you are sleeping.
By the beech tree there
you made moss beds for
fairies and
tasted earth on your fingers,
traced the shape of your
grandmother’s face in the soil
when she passed,
tore the legs from
that spider once as a dare
and waited ‘til the other kids left to
whisper a quick prayer,
give it a hasty burial
beneath the jungle gym,
and blow it kisses you
would never waste on a boy
back then.
Even now you are
still sorry.
I think he’s still waiting for you
by the blacktop,
the boy with the curls you
used to twist and pull.
Walk over now and
lace fingers,
press kisses on his collarbone,
speed off in his
gray Honda
and wipe the cuts
from your knees and
tell him how happy you are
to leave this godforsaken town.
Do not mention how much
you miss it.
[shorts by h&m, flats by kenneth cole reaction, bathing suit by american apparel and tank by piacara di pico]