breton stripes

Jessica of What I Wore issued a challenge last week to fellow bloggers to sport breton stripes and announced today as unofficially Breton Stripe Day. I'm obsessed with anything striped and I of course participated along with one of my blogger besties Kim of Crowded Closet.

It has been so chilly in Michigan that this thin sweater is absolutely perfect and quite versatile. I can wear it with shorts once it actually gets warm again. for now wearing the sweater with boots and a hat is perfect for a typical day in May in this state. Click here for Jessica's post with several of us blogger ladies!

[top by bdg, pants by bdg, boots by steve madden, bag by marc by marc jacobs]
I love these little anchor buttons!

I hope it gets warm soon so I can start enjoying summertime! In lieu of summer classes, I've decided I have enough on my plate with a summer filled with photographing weddings, roller derby and of course, my fabulous day job. I think it will take me forever to finish my masters, but I'm not in any real rush and I'm tired of being overly busy. Phew! I feel so much better now that I've made this decision!