When my brother saw me wearing this he said, "you look like Sarah Jessica Parker from Hocus Pocus." And looking at the photos, I kind of see that. I picked up this fur coat from Goodwill a couple weeks ago and it's my new obsession. Tufts of hair have been falling out at the back of the collar, but thankfully my own head of fur conceals it.
I also have been playing with lipstick, which I think adds to the Hocus Pocus look. I finally feel as if I'm at the age where I can wear it. Which just seems strange to me. I'll be 25 years old in a couple months. I've been pretty independent since I sailed ship six years ago and went off to college. I've been making adult decisions, paying for my own everything through college and now paying off student loans, living on my own and working. Yet, the action of wearing lipstick makes me feel old. Ha! Need to get over it, because this lipstick-wearing business is fun. Share with me your favorite shade!