

After 24 years of living in Michigan, I've finally partaken in a common summer activity that most Michigan folk seem to do every summer: tubing! I met up with my friend Kristen, her Danish fiance, Rene and her friend Dan that I haven't seen in years.

As much I'd like to pretend I'm not prissy, I suppose I am just a bit. It doesn't bother me when I get sweaty, dirty and not showering every day. Yet, I don't like to touch the bottoms of rivers with my bare feet or submerge myself in murky river water. Eek! This activity was definitely a stretch from what I would normally do, but it was relaxing to catch up with my friends while floating down the river with a beer in my hand and freely peeing whenever I needed to.

[shorts by h&m, flats by kenneth cole reaction, bathing suit by american apparel and tank by piacara di pico]
The river!
Kristen's sippy cup filled with coconut rum and Dr. Pepper
Rene and Kristen! This pair is so cute. They met each other when Kristen moved to Florida and now they're moving by the end of the month to Copenhagen for the next couple years.