strong shoulder + tapered pants

I wore my new tapered pants today! Wearing dress pants today reminded me of my intern days when I was unsure of how I should dress so I only wore generic button- up shirts, khakis and a boring pair of flats (the same stank pair I trekked miles through campus without socks.) I was definitely the drab, quiet, weird intern. I didn't know how to transition from my college casual clothes to professional work clothes. I was just so unsure of myself and it came off through the way I dressed. Today, when I put these on I felt like, "these are so me!" I guess that's what age does--you become a little more sure of yourself and maybe take risks.

While I like to try new styles, I definitely tone them down with a muted color palette, which works perfect for this season. I'm hoping color starts to appeal to me so that it's not always wearing grey and black. I love those colors though.

Speaking of interns, I'm going to try to coerce one of my communications interns, Naomi, to be featured here. She's got such great style!


[bag by marc jacobs, tapered pants by bcbg, boots by deena and ozzy, leopard print scarf from jb and me and top from lexi drew]


I look stupid in this one, but this is a better view of the outfit.


