Roar, I'm a Shoe Bully

I like (some) avant garde shoes as much as the next girl, but today it occurred to me that the completely-out-of-my-price-range-and-therefore-bitterness-causing things are have a host of problems.

What's that you say? Am I not interpreting them correctly? Har har, I may possibly crack myself up. . .

But in all seriousness, this post stemmed from my train of thought while looking at the "Crippled Shoe." It went something like this: Dear God, someone help that poor shoe up before the heel snaps and it falls and dies! It really does look like it's on crutches or something, doesn't it? Poor, poor crippled shoe.

On a related note, these Wunderkind shoes should be mine:

I don't care that I would most likely sustain injuries from an inability to walk in these babies. Just place them by the hospital bed for me to admire and I'll be happy as a barrel of monkeys on crack. Or so I imagine.

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving break! I know I did. Back to work!