I really can't believe it's Thanksgiving week already. I'm thankful for so many things that it's ridiculous to try and say just one. I can't wait to bake and cook with my gals. Also, my brother is coming for the week from California. He's never been here so we're going to have tons o' fun. :) I bet Thanksgiving seems weird to you non-Americans. It's my favorite holiday. Well, you got me! Mostly every holiday is my favorite.
Dress: Fancy Treehouse
Sweater: Fancy Treehouse
Sweater Tights: f21 (ripped the first day..wah wah)
Hat: Anthro
Shoes & Bag: c/o Francesca's Collections
Rings: c/o Romwe
Bracelet: c/o Jewelmint
Sweater Coat: H&M
Thanks for all your "tights tips 101". The scary thing is that I was doubling up in October. I guess I'll have to triple up or quadruple up in the winter. I did start taking an iron supplement, though, so that should help my perpetual coldness.
Hope you had a great weekend! :)